---My mother is starting her Spring cleaning regeme---
Run from my house. Run unless you want to be given a hoover, duster and spraybottle and be set to work. Run. My mother likes to keep a cleen house and most of the day you can see her plodding about with a duster in her pocket and a hoover training behind her, Washing machine on full load. But around the start of March.... it gets a little crazy around here.
Light fixures are removed, dusted and then replaced. Sheets washed (all of them.... even the summer ones that have been in storage, they were washed before they were put there and will be washed again when they come down, after Easter lol) Cupboards cleared and re-organisedWardrobes are cleared (It was a sad day for my yarn stash who got muddled while I was out. (don't worry I put them back in they're rightful places. they're cosy again. my mum tried to hoover them..... then realised that my face would scare her a little and desided against it (face-1 Mum-0)
It's not just the house that gets the treatment.I feel sorry for the poor Man from Sky when they sent us our latest bill. (In short: I am now a sky internet customer)
---Main reason for Hiatus - I suck---
Damn Cricket Vest. That is All I am going to say. I feel like ripping and starting again except for a few things
- damn thing took me 5 months to get to this stage
- it's not going to be christmas AGAIN before it's finished
- Damn thing just needs the collar redone..... but because of my in-ablity to stitch 2 pieces together the Yarn is all over the place and I don't know where to cut.
- taking Scissors to my knitting scares me anyway
That and the postcast idea didn't work. I suck.
The resulions I made at the start of this year about knitting : none have worked out. I suck
---Why I came back to blogging ---
I missed it. I missed writing out long rants about my knitting and have people come up to me in GB and go 'I read your blog' or people in work go 'I didn't know you could knit'but what amuses me most of all is: My family do not know that I have this blog.The person closest to a part of my family who I think reads this i Craig. My mum and Dad don't know what a blog is. and I've just taught my dad how to put his phone onto silent mode, I'm so not gonna try blogging next. My mum is content that I can order her ironing stuffs when needed and doesn't ask how.
I did knit while I was on Hiatus..... mostly because I really need something to do with my fingers. I finished 2 things. (1 is a half of another thing but the other half of it is on its way) nd started many many others.
FO #1: Red and White Hat
(pictured on Lady... do not worry recipent: my dog is the cleanest Dog in the world. my mother is proof of that)
Made with the Red Yarn that Jenni Gave me (only 1/2 a ball and I got 4 balls, so theres loads left.) and the white left over from the sweet home socks ( again: plenty left) I am thinking of adding a pom-pom to the top.... I'm not sure tho.
This Hat was made with exerpts from other patterns. the main bit of it was made form the Aldephi Hat and Cowl pattern in issue 25 of 'the kniitter'. I added the ribbing on as an afterthoght, because the edges kept rolling up and I wasn't sure it was long enough.
FO #2: 1 Mitten (of pair)
Made with Mint Green DK weight Yarn (ball band long lost but I think it's wool) and grey DK weight Acylic Yarn that was bought with some cotton.
It has yet to be ironed so it lookes kinda ragity and bampy but don't worry I will Wash the pair when I get the other one done. I'll post a picture of the finished pair here in a couple of weeks
Pattern is Camilla Mittens by SpillyJane (link)
That Link's to her blog, where you can find all her patterns and stuff. some are free and some you have to pay for. But they're all nice :)
On other news: I have a new follower :) She goes by the name Beth (hi beth) and she's a spinner and a Knitter. I've never met a spinner before (and I don't think I will, she's in the US.... and I'm in the UK : (. ) I would love to try spinning, but If u have ever been in my craft room there is barely room for me in here, never mind Fiber and a spinning Wheel lol. That and I think my mum would go mental. (probably something like ' Oh my God Lise What the hell? Another hobby? how many's this? theres Cross stitching, Knitting, Cardmaking, Jewellery making, Sewing, Painting, Cooking and now this? Frig that)
What? Yes I do make cards.... no, not that many and I'm not that good. and yes, I paint too. not very good at it either.
For all the rest of my FO's you can look on my Ravelry Page (I'm Akitombo; Add me if you like)
Me in A Yarn shop or even places that have Yarn is a dangerous mixture. Especially if I have got paid recently.
Like today.... and a few weeks back. I went mental. (yes: I did have to buy another ball of Hayfeild Bonus Aran. I got halfway up the Left side of the V and it ran out. I had a collar to do and arm caps too, so I gave in a spent another £8 on a massive ball of Aran weight.
On the plus side I also bought 4 balls of Sidar Escape (2 blue and 2 Grey) they are probably going to become A fair-isle Hat and Mitt set for someone for Xmas 2011. (Yes I am that far in advance) The Pattern will probably be something from the far reaches of my own mind combined with various Magazine and Web influences.
As of the End of Febuary (Ino; I havn't blogged in awhile; I'm sorry) Me and my other Half are going on Holiday to Salou (Spain). To be more specific we're going to Hotel Villa Marina Club for 12 days :) So I might blog to you all from Sunny Spain lol.
We're busy trying to get everything ready for it. and I have no idea what to bring. Knitting wise. I don't really want to be knitting a wooly hat on the sunny beaches of Salou, i'd much rather be knitting a lacy shawl... problem is: Laceweight is expensive.... I wonder if I can find a pattern for Merino Yarn (my fav. yarn btw) for something lacy..... (checks Ravelry)..... finds out there's loads...... Finds this one (opposite) and the one below
They are (in Blue)
The Holden Shawlette by Mindy Wilkes Link
And (In Red)
Spring Thaw Shawl by Cheri McEwen Link
It's a gorgeous looking pattern but it is MASSIVE, what with having to use a circ (which I dislike doing) and having a gigantic 531 stitches on the neelde at the very end. it also shows a chart for 'EZ' edging. it is the most confusing chart I have ever seen, and I have worked a figging cricket jumper without looking at half of the pattern. In short: I don't think I'll be starting this anytime soon..... although it is gorgeous..... I wonder if I can make it into a wedding ring shawl if I use laceweight...... I wonder.
--- Blogging Challenge ---
One of my favourite knitting people, Eskimimi, has colaberated with a bunch of people and have came up wih this =>. It's supposed to test your skills as a blogger by setting you a theme for every day of a given week (that is the 28th of March til the 3rd of April) I think this will be a good idea for me and will ultimatly probably make up for the long periods with no blog that my readers have had to suffer through. If you want to know what is coming up, or you want to take part yourself you can find all the details by clicking the picture.
I will of course be taking part. and so will many other Knitting and crocheting blogs around the world. so If you come to me eveyday during that week there should be a new post (although that may vary on the times..... some will take longer than others because of the complexity or just the plan not knowing what the hell to write.
Also I plan to be working a 6 day week that week. so pictures may be scarse until a later date, as I'd be doing it on my phone.
---That about wraps it up ---
Yep; that about wraps it up in the month or so since I contacted you all. Work is a bitch, but I needs the money to keep up with my expensive Lifestyle and my wishlist for the next year-ish.
Until next time toodle From Aki
Hi! Thanks for the welcome. You sure are super-busy! I mostly just knit, spin, and I dabble a bit in scrapbooking ... I want to remind you, though, that you can spin with a spindle, which is a wee tiny thing! And loose fiber squishes down into practically nothing! ;-)
ReplyDeleteYes Lise, i did just go OMG you have a sewing machine lol
ReplyDeleteHi Beth, yeah I am super busy, all those hobbies with a job that can call me whenever it feels like to come in for terrible shifts (ahem 9 to 9, then 5pm til 1am the following day, nuf said)
ReplyDeleteThat's also why I havn't blogged in a while, that will be fixed soon tho :) I'm gonna get caught up today hopefully.
And Nadine: Have u seen the photos of me in a blue dress at Charlottes? I MADE that dress on my sewing machine. From Flat material on a roll. So proud of myself lol
Luvs to both of you X