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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

New Arrivals


I don't often talk about books on this blog... I actually never really talk about books as a general rule. Mostly because I'd say 'I really like that book' and people would suggest another Author or another book. Or they'd say ' oh she writes like Whatsherface' and I'd give them a blank stare. I don't know the names of many authors...I know book titles more than authors.
Unless it's knitting books. I for some reason pick up their names much more readily and often... speaking of knitting booksGuess what arrived in the post by private courier today???

I'll give you a clue: it's the latest book by my favourite knitter. I already have 2 of her books and this new one makes 3....

That's right; it's All wound up by Yarn Harlot (Stephanie McPhee) and I'm so excited to get it. It arrived today from America on pre-order. (I had this baby pre-ordered from August)

It's the 3rd book of hers that I have, I also have 'Yarn Harlot' and 'Free Range Knitter'. I'm working on aquiring all the other books that she's had a hand in and a few which are just my personal wants. I think my next treat for myself will be 'Things I learned from knitting...wiether I wanted to or not' by Yarn Harlot.

I do of course still get my monthly edition of 'the Kniiter' and seem to cast on everything in it for someone or other. and I do frequent my wishlist on Amazon sometimes to see if anyone's offering a copy at an absurd price (it has never happened; but I live in hope)

There used to be a story here. not anymore. Such is life.,

Sunday, 16 October 2011

knit and stitiching show


Hellos to everyone; I've got lots of stuff to show and tell and quite a few little anecdotes to get through. So without any further ado lets get started.

---The (expensive) show must go on---

This Friday(the 14th if ur counting) a very tired Craig and a very excited me made our way to the kings Hall in Belfast. It was for the Christmas version of The Crative Stitch and Crafts show that was hosted there in April/May of this year.

I didn't get to go to the summer version because of work; which made me want to visit this time even more!

I meet Craig in town and I get in his car (driving in Belfast is scary: so I let him do it) and he says 'I hope you know how to get to this place' ..... No... I don't. 'then we're lost already'

A few inquiries into my phone and what seemed like endless driving around; pointing at signs later we spot a big yellow sign telling us that the Creative Craft Show is up ahead and then in small letters it says (king's Hall). I squeak when I see it and Craig keeps driving. we pull up infront of the....very run down hall (seriously) and pay an terrible amount for parking. (£4 if you're gonna ask) and get into the hall. we pay £8 each at the door (total: £20 already and I havn't even started buying) and I buy Craig his Lunch (im not factoring in that cost... as I would have done that anyway)

We start off around the stalls. The first stall I come to is a Yarn stall. theres a bin right at the front of their stall with '50p a ball' painted on it (classy) right on top are 4 balls of Stylecraft Rustic (<--)

I've never knit with this Yarn but I like the colours. when it's in my hands it feels like it needs a good wash. I bought all 4 balls for £2 and looked again at the bin. It was filled with fun-fur and eyelash yarn.Things that I know I would never knit with. so I moved on.

The rest of the show was passed with not much interest.I made a few purchaces that I'm proud of but every store seemed to be more filled with Cardmaking and decopadge than anything. and I know I used to make cards and that I still do scrapbook on occasion but the papers didn't interest me. My cardmaking hobby died when Papermill in Junction 1 closed down (as my scrapbooking hobby will probably do; only to resurect when I have children)

The Yarn however did interest me. I think I'll always be a knitter at heart; even if for some reason Selections do close I would get my Yarn online or make some bargaining ploy with the owners (that I know quite well - when you knit as much as me from the same store..... you get known) by screaming something along the lines of 'I'll take over the store!!!' (which: btw; has taken over my jewellery shop idea...thats scary)

I bought 1 ball of a hand-spun Yarn. it's called intertwined and is a lovely pea-green colour. it's a knobbly texture and I have plans for a Hat for it (probaly a fair-isle one, cus ther'e not enough for an all over)
From the last stall in the Hall; right at the back beside the cafe I got 2 balls of Passion in the 'under the sea' colourway. and when I was leaving the hall the 50p bin called to me again and I got 2 balls of Sidar Snuggly for £1.

---Other things that interested me---
   1. Material & Beading

Since I have brought my sewing machine out of hiding I have just kept wanting to made things on it. I bought 2 Fat Quaters and a half matre of materials. the three togehter don't go but I have more material at home that it will go with.

The beads are for myself. For 2 separate necklaces that won't feature on my christmas stall. (more on that later) I'll show you them but they are either for me or for presents for people. :)

2. Buttons

I purchaced quite a few buttons on my travels. 3 big buttons that are reserved for Christmas gifts, green flower buttons and best of all: little wooden christmas tree buttons. I'm not quite sure what to do with these yet; I bought them because I liked them and I knew I'd regret not buying them in the future.

I was also temped by little snowmen buttons but I reasoned wit myself that I'd never know what to do with them...
All in all the day; including dinner after the show the Day cost me a little over £100. And if I had spent that kind of money online I would have came out with alot more. Which is probably why I won't be making that trip again anytime soon. Especially since I'm saving for so much... holidays, christmas presents... everything.

That plus I have about 10 secret projects going all at the same time.... my fingers are ragged from all the knitting for Christmas and the sewing machine is going to get a good go on it sometime just after Halloween, again for a secret project.

That's all from the Belfast  Stitch and craft show... except... well... I caught this picture on the way out. (<===)

Uhoh. I didnt know there was a spinner so close to me... She was sitting spinning away on her wheel and there was a chair right next to her.I resisted the urge to go sit beside her,
  1. I think Craig would have a heart attack if I started to take a lesson about something I've never tried befor
  2. The thought of a spinning wheel in my house ontop of a sewing machine, endless Yarn and material would probably set my mum's face in perminant displeasure.
  3. It would make the whole ' open a yarn shop' idea that much more real. there's a couple of things wrong with it. The big one being the lack of money to get the business off the ground.
In short; it's not possible yet.... but give me 10/15 years and we'll see.

That's pretty much it people; I'll talk to ya again soon :)

Much luv

Monday, 10 October 2011

im sick

I'm sick!!!!! too weak to even lift my arms to knit!!!! not a happy bunny

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Brigader Knitting class

Brigader Knitting Class(11th October – 8th November)

What you need to bring:


What? - You need DK weight (acrylic is fine) and the colour is up to you (if you plan to make the bear; do not buy white as it is associated with death in some countries) 1 Ball should do.

Where? - Selections in Carrick is a good starting point but if you are in Belfast before then: the Haberdashery shop in the INShops sells DK weight for £1 a ball. (as me for directions if you’re not sure)


What? - You will need size 4mm needles.

Don't worry I'll provide these :)


(as is what you’d be making)

You will have quite a few choices, of project that I will bring along. (these include the Angelbear, a couple of pairs of wristers, my own Bunny pattern and A secret project that I have going for March/April
Anything else?

I will give you the option of taking your knitting home with you as long as you remember to bring it back the following week. (especially the week we’re off over Half Term, that’s good knitting time) I will of course be in GB should you have any problems and also on Facebook for all those times at home (add me; I won’t bite - Ellisa Haddock). I will also put up some videos/ words of wisdom up on my blog (

Thanks XX From Ellisa (Aki)

Monday, 3 October 2011

For my Brigader Knitting class

I realize I won't always be on Facebook/ at GB/ sitting right beside you so I've devised some of the questions that I think most of you will need help with.

Q: I've forgot how to (insert technique here)
Some Videos -

(above video also includes Casting off/ Binding off)

Q: I've lost the pattern!

Garter Stitch Wristers:  (Pie)   Cast on 26sts(S) or 30sts(L) you are kniting evey row until the piece measures 8.5 inches (21.5 cm) then Cast off and sew the two long sides together leaving room for thumbs about 2 inches from the top.

Ribbed Stockin' Wristers with bracelets: (Pie)  Cast on 26 sts (S) or 30sts (L).
work 2x2 ribbing (knit 2 sts, Purl 2 stitches til end) for 1-2 inches (remember to reverse when turning, so if you ended on a purl, you start with a Knit)
*Knit a row, Purl a row
(when you want to put in a 'bracelet' work a Purl row as a knit row(so you'd Knit 3 rows at a time, the middle one being the bracelet) and continue as normal)
*repeat till piece measures 21.5 cm then work more ribbing about half an inch from the top
Cast off. Sew down the two long sides leaving room for thumb about 2 inches from the top

Bunny (Tangy)
Kfb (knit into front and then back)

An increase worked as follows:

1. Knit the next st through the front loop, but do not remove the st from your left hand needle.

2. Knit the same st once more, this time inserting your needle through the back loop of the st. You will have created 2 loops (sts) on your right hand needle.
Decrease: K2Tog  (Knit two together.)
Instead of putting right hand needle through the front of one stitch put it through the front of both stitches to join them into one and knit it as normal.

Beginning at top of head, cast on 6 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2 (Increase row): Kfb in each st across - 12 sts at the end of this row.
Rows 3 and 5: Purl.
Row 4 (Increase row): Kfb in each st across - 24 sts at the end of this row.
Row 6 (Increase row): *K1, Kfb in next st; rep from * across - 36 sts.
Rows 7-23: Work in St st (k on RS, p on WS), without changing the st count.

Row 24 (Decrease row): (K2tog) across - 18 sts at the end of this row.
This decrease row is the Bunny's neck.

Row 25: Purl.
Shape Body
Row 26: Kfb in each st across - 36 sts at the end of this row.
Rows 27-55: Work in St st as established until Bunny is wanted length.

Bind off. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail.
EARS (make 2)
Cast on 6 sts.

Row 1: Knit.
Row 2 (Increase row): Kfb in each st across - 12 sts at the end of this row.
Rows 3-29: Work in Garter st (k every row).
Row 30 (Decrease row): K2tog, k8, k2tog - 10 sts at the end of this row.
Row 31: Knit.
Row 32 (Decrease row): K2tog, k6, k2tog - 8 sts.
Row 33: Knit.
Row 34 (Decrease row): K2tog, k4, k2tog - 6 sts.
Row 35: Knit.
Row 36 (Decrease row): K2tog, k2, k2tog - 4 sts.
Row 37: Knit.
Row 38 (Decrease row): (K2tog) twice - 2 sts.
Row 39: Knit.
Row 40: K2tog.

Do not bind off. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through remaining st and knot securely.
LEGS (make 4)

Cast on 12 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: Knit.
Rows 3-19: Continue in St st as established.
Row 20 (Decrease row): (K2tog) across - 6 sts at the end of this row.

Do not bind off. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through remaining 6 sts, (a needle might help)pull tog tightly and knot securely.
Seam Head/Body to make a tube, stuffing lightly before sewing closed
With medium brown yarn, embroider straight st eyes and nose. With white yarn, embroider straight st whiskers. Fold cast on edge of Ears and sew to Head. Seam Legs, stuff lightly before sewing closed.
Sew Legs to Body. (I'll give you a pom-pom for the tail when you're finished)
Weave in ends using a needle.

Q: What's with your hardness gauge? Spicy? what's that?
Rather than just using Easy,Medium and Hard I wanted bits inbetween and with thoughts of having a pattern being extra Medium in my head I came up with my hard system.

Order in order of Hardness)

1.Pie (as easy as pie....duh. good for beginners)
2.Tangy (harder than easy but still do-able to a person with skills. May leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, nice challenge none the less)
3.Porcelain (hard but easily broken. With the right understanding you will crack this)
4.Spicy (like a madras Curry. Some can take it; others can't)
5 Hardboiled (expect steam, toughness but at the end a lovely luscious project)
6.Extraspicy(Have the swear jar beside you for a while)

Q: I've finished :)..... now what?

You can start another project, try going up a hardness level or even try searching the web yourself for patterns. (here's a few links to help you) (this is like Facebook for knitters) (you have to sign up but it has loads of easy patterns :)

Anything else you'll just have to wait till I answer you're facebook comment or I see your problem at GB that Tuesday. :)