Ok; I know What I said... I also know that it has been way too sunny to stay inside to do... Anything basically.
I have been knitting outside, machine stitching outside and cross stitching outside.
Yesturday was 23'C; which may not be Hot for some places but for Good old Norhern Ireland: that's Hot. I have therefore been making the most of it.
Yesterday Craig took me to the park for a BBQ. We had the usual though-fair; Burgers and sausages; we also got some chilli prawn skewers and BBQ pork Kebabs. It was a lovely day sat near enough on the beach looking like I was holiday and knitting. I stupidly didn't take any pictures. Don't be angry.
I worked on an imaginary project. (ie: a project which I have no pattern for but that I have devised in my brain.I'm making it out of Yellow Cotton (because it's hot)
---And now today---
Today it's raining. I've realised that I am working a lot and therefore the Room I use most has become messy with the traffic of getting ready day after day. I set myself to today clear out this trffic so I actually have room for moving in and out of the sewing bit of the room. During tidying I came across a ball of Yarn that I had bought ages ago from that craft Fair that was absurdly expesive.
And now I ask you: What the hell do I do with this ball of Yarn? It's in a lovely moss green ... thing is ... it also has the texture and the knitablity of Moss. it's mistake ridden, fun-fur like and when I try to knit on 5mm needles (the size suggested) I end up parting, tearing and knitting through the yarn. It short; it's hell to work with. had this been a yarn that I had paid £2 for I would happliy cut it up into tiny pieces and use it for stuffing I would go out of my way to insure none of this yarn was seen by me again. But it just so happens that I didn't pay £2 for this ball.... no.... the label on the back of the ball band tells me I paid £5.99 for this. £6!!!! For a ball of yarn that would send even the savvyest of knitters running towards the malabrigo and nice sock yarn.
I must have been a little less knitterly than I am now.But the frugality of my inner being will not allow me to throw this Yarn away. I must make something of it... a Hat, Mossy wristers..... Anything.