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Monday, 23 February 2015

Cook Chilli Con Carne

Chilli con carne
A favorite staple meal in our home, Mexican inspired Chilli con carne is a treat for both taste and wallet as this recipe feeds a Family of 4 (or 2 greedy hallions with some left over for Lunch) for under £3 a serving. (even less if you use Butcher's Mince, veggie mince or frozen mince) Craig loves it extra spicy so I usually have to have a glass of milk beside me 'cus I barely take spicy things. Hope this recipe is good for you and your family.

  • 750g beef mince.                     
  • 4-5  chillies (I get mine from a jar-but fresh ones will work too; also the lazy chillies, that are already chopped will save your hands)
  • 1/2 white onion(chopped)
  • 1/4 pepper.  
  • Spices-paprika, cayenne pepper, coriander (about 1 teaspoon of each)
  • Tomato Puree (you'll not need a lot)
  • Tin chopped tomatoes (or if you like - fresh tomatoes that you can chop yourself)
  • Tin Kidney beans (traditionally, but I like to use taco beans which are kidney,pinto and black eyed beans which come with a spicy tomato sauce)


    1. Brown off the mince in a casserole pot; the one you'll use for the whole dish. Don't crowd the pan too much; nobody wants pink bits of mince in their chilli. Then when all the mince is brown ; remove it from the pot and place in a bowl. This will allow us to get a right amount of heat and flavor to all the rest of the ingredients.
    2. Add the chopped onion to the pan with a little oil. DON'T STIR too much; I know this is tempting; but this is how onions get that lovely caramel-like texture. Add in your spices when onions are a nice brown(to make it hotter add 1 tsp more of paprika or cayenne) and now stir. Chop your pepper into long finger size bits and add these too. Now add your chillies (if you want even more heat - add more chillies, I tend to add around 3 fresh chillies or 5 jarred ones). Keep stirring and add the chopped tomatoes.
    3. If you are using kidney beans you'll have to drain & rinse them first; unless they come in Chilli sauce or anything like that. Stir them in now and simmer. Taste - if it's not spicy enough; add more chillies, more cayenne or Paprika. Be careful though; as it's tough to remove spiciness in chilli.Return the meat to the Pot & heat through. What you should have looks something like the photo opposite; the sauce needs to thicken; keep stirring it until it thickens(to avoid sticking - remember to go right to the bottom of the pan when stirring.
    4. Simmer until the sauce thickens; then for an extra hit of tomato add a small amount of Tomato puree about 10 mins before serving.
    5. Serve with fluffy long grain rice. This is excellent in a wrap to make a very tasty bean burrito. Enjoy

    • Vegetarian-Use Quorn mince; and check the kidney beans; sometimes they use beef stock in the spicy sauces.
    • Gluten Free - Everything in this recipe is already gluten free - but again check the Kidney bean sauce ; as they sometimes use flour to thicken it.

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